Trip planning

The best beaches of Sardinia

The beaches of the island of Sardinia are 1850 km of the coast and a fourth of all the beaches of Italy. Moreover, according to the estimates of the Italians themselves, their best part. Therefore, choosing the best among the white, golden and pink splendor of hundreds of sandy and pebble beaches in Sardinia is not an easy task. Nevertheless, we decided to try and introduce you to those 5 that, in our opinion, deserve special attention.

The emerald sea, in the embrace of which lies the island, is recognized as the cleanest and most transparent in all of Italy, and soft clean beach sand is generally declared a national treasure. Among the regions of Italy, Sardinia ranks first in terms of the number of beaches with the Blue Flag. Ecological cleanliness combined with excellent hotel service have made a beach holiday in Sardinia elite property. In addition to the fashionable world resorts "packed" with all kinds of beach services, the local beaches give the impression of untouched corners of the wild. For lovers of beach holidays, it is better to study Sardinia from a yacht. Here you can easily spend a week drifting along inaccessible from land, tiny bays and islands, until you find your own "lost paradise".

1.Costa Verde (La Costa Verde)

On the west coast of Sardinia, south of Oristano stretches the coast Costa Verde called "green" because of the abundance of shrubs and trees growing directly on the slopes descending to the sea. Of the many beaches that stretch along the Costa Verde, the most popular among tourists are the beaches of Scivu and Piscinas, located in its southern part.

Scivu Beach is fenced off from the rest of the world by two small cliffs.

Scivu Beach is a strip of golden sand about 3 km long, fenced off from the rest of the world by two small cliffs and surrounded by a wall of rusty pink sandstone, densely overgrown with Mediterranean vegetation.

The water here has a perfect blue-green hue. Having abstracted from people who can be counted on the fingers of Scivu beach, nothing will prevent you from fishing or admiring the landscapes of the creation of the world. Moreover, there is not a single house or hotel nearby, there is peace around, disturbed only by the noise of coastal waves.

Scivu Beach - Ideal for surfing, as in the spring, thanks to the north-west wind of the mistral, strong currents and high waves are formed here, necessary for surfers.

Piscinas Beach is surrounded by golden sand

Another no less popular on the Costa Verde is Piscinas Beach - often called "quiet beach" or "Italian Sugar". It occupies about 10 km of the coastline and is considered one of the most beautiful beaches not only in Sardinia, but throughout the Mediterranean. Piscinas Beach is surrounded on all sides by golden sand, stretching to the horizon. You seem to be in the middle of a desert, not in Europe.

2. Bidderosa (Bidderosa)

Bidderos beaches in Orosei Bay are considered by many to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Bidderosa is five small bays with pristine silvery sand and bright turquoise water. Each of Bidderos beaches it is good in its own way: one is surrounded by an umbrella of a pine forest, the other has an easy entrance for swimming, and the third is a long strip of sand the color of eggshell.

Since Bidderosa is part of the national reserve, access here is somewhat limited. In the summer, from June to September, he takes no more than 130 cars a day, so if you buy a ticket on time, you can easily get to the protected conservation area.

Bidderosa is part of the national reserve

You can get to the five bays by going down a 4-kilometer path, winding between pine trees, eucalyptus trees, juniper bushes and lilies.

Bidderosa is an ideal place for those who decide to leave aside the routine of everyday troubles and plunge into an oasis of bliss and peace.

3. Cala Luna

Another worthy of special mention is Cala Luna beach. The transparent sea amid rocky cliffs, underwater caves and dense Mediterranean vegetation is a "paradise", attracting tens of thousands of tourists every year. Due to its shallow depth, this beach is a great place to relax with children.

On the south side of Cala Luna Beach is a small freshwater lake hidden from prying eyes in the shadow of an oleander grove that grows nearby. Its northern part is closed by a rocky ridge with seven caves, which have a complex system of labyrinths in the grottoes.

The northern part of Cala Luna is closed by a rocky ridge with seven caves

Going to visit Cala Luna beach you should think over the route in advance, since getting to it is not easy. You can walk from Cala Fuili or Balnea, but this path is difficult and long, especially for children. It will be much more convenient to get to the beach by sea, taking a boat trip from the port of Cala Gonone or the beach of Marina di Orosei.

4. Cala Mariolu

Cala Mariolu beach is covered with smooth white marble pebbles, which under the influence of sunlight constantly changes color. On the shore, it seems pink, and in the water it shimmers with multi-colored shades, changing the color of sea water every second. Cala Mariolu beach is so beautiful that for the championship it can well argue with other best pebble and sand the beaches of Sardinia.

The name Mariolu is obliged to the local fishermen who “christened” the monk seals with this name, who stole the catch from their nets with enviable constancy.

Cala Mariolu Beach perfect for families with children, as it is quite shallow on the shore, which allows children to splash safely in shallow water.

Cala Mariolu Beach is covered with white marble pebbles

The mesmerizing beauty of the underwater world attracts diving enthusiasts here, especially since for this type of vacation in Cala Mariola there is everything you need.

The best way to get to Cala Mariolu beach is by boat from Arbatax, Baunei or Cala Gonone. Crossing by land is also possible, however, the route passes through mountainous winding paths, so it is more suitable for experienced and seasoned tourists.

5. Cala Goloritze

The beach of Cala Goloritze, located in the southern part of the Orosei Gulf, does not need a special presentation, since it is a favorite place for shooting by Italian cameramen and photographers. And Cala Goloritze in 1995 received the status of a national monument of Italy. On this beach with white pebbles, which in itself is considered a unique phenomenon, many stone obelisks created by nature itself

The water here is much cooler than on other beaches in Sardinia, so it’s not very suitable for swimming. But for divers Cala Goloritze - a heavenly place. The 30-meter water column, with its purity and transparency, misleads even experienced divers who visit the bay for the first time.

Cala Goloritze beach declared a national monument of Italy

Staying on Kala Goloritz will be no less interesting and memorable for climbers, hikers and climbers, as well as those wishing to observe wildlife.

On this beach in Sardinia, it is strictly forbidden to collect pebbles and approach any ship closer to 300 meters from the coast.

To get to the beach of Cala Goloritze, it is better by sea, having landed in the neighboring bay. This is much more convenient than trying to get here on foot.

Watch the video: TOP 10 Beaches of Sardinia Italy Part 1 (September 2024).

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